Place the Material you like to cut in the Laser cutter
The lines you want to cut can be colored for differiention between many values of power or speed, the Laser should go on the material. For this material I used Power: 20, Speed: 100, Frequency: 100. This term is called colour-mapping
After you chose the setting, you need to set the laser in the right distance, as well as place it on the point, where it should start.
Colour-mapping can be used to figger out which settings should be used. Basically you draw some figueres and try out different values of power, speed and so on to evaluate which one fits best for your specific material
As you can see, the Laser has cutted succesfully and all cuts were clear (nothing burned)
This is a small video demonstration how the work of a Cutter looks like
another thing I have cutted
It is a Adventscalender for my girlfriend